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Reference: 83883

Date Added: 4 May 2022
Closing Date: 15 July 2022

Job Title: Communications Assistant // Researcher

Working For: This is Spoken

Location: London

Salary: £25,000

Length of Contract: Permanent

Job Details

Spoken is a boutique London-based firm specialising in thought leadership and engagement programmes. Our unique ecosystem is designed to facilitate the world’s most exciting, innovative and impactful interactions through work across three core strands:

Connect: A service matching ambitious companies with sought-after experts and popular public figures for projects and events.
Co:Labs: Bespoke and scalable content strategies masterminded and delivered in collaboration with our network of experts.
Amplify: Dedicated guidance and support for new and experienced speakers hoping to share their knowledge further.

Our Values
-Share knowledge. Ask for ideas from others; impart advice or opinion; everything you have to say is valuable – speak up!
-Think globally. Through diversity of internal thought, through geographical scope, and relationships with a diverse range of speakers and clients.
-Be part of a team. No silos; no internal competition; everyone is working together to achieve greatness.
-Have time to be the best. Delegate everything you can, ask for more support, whatever it takes that allows you to be able to do everything to the highest standard.

We are looking for a Researcher and a Communications Assistant.

Full job descriptions can be found here:


Communications Assistant: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/spoken-jobs-worldwide?f_C=13979812&trk=top-card_top-card-primary-button-top-card-primary-cta&currentJobId=3043135345&position=2&pageNum=0

Please note as part as our recruitment process we have created a short task for each role which can be found at the bottom of each job description. Please make sure this is included with your application. Only candidates who have completed this task will be considered for interview.

CV's and completed tasks can be sent to: tia@thisisspoken.com

We look forward to hearing from you!

Closing Date: 15 July 2022

Interview/Start Dates

Only applicants who have successfully completed the task will be considered for interview. This interview may be in person or through Zoom.

We aim to fill these roles as soon as possible but will continue our search until we have found the right person.

Application Details

Please send your applications to tia@thisisspoken.com along with your completed task.

Jobs are also listed on LinkedIn:

Researcher: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3051622191/?refId=QbXUGWo32cR1oL7ozrtG5g%3D%3D&trackingId=rbWAbe3%2BLD%2BgCIEngyde%2Fw%3D%3D

Communications Assistant: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3043135345/?refId=QbXUGWo32cR1oL7ozrtG5g%3D%3D&trackingId=uV5pSnOMOa%2FDS3umd%2FgcFg%3D%3D

Website: https://www.thisisspoken.com

Additional Notes

15/06/2022 - Closing date extended and application links changed.