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Reference: 88909

Date Added: 23 May 2023
Closing Date: 7 June 2023

Job Title: Campaign Director

Working For: Witney Liberal Democrats

Location: Oxfordshire

Salary: £28,000-£33,000 per annum

Length of Contract: at least until next general election

Job Details

For full details, please visit - https://www.libdems.org.uk/work-for-us/vacancy/campaign-director 

Closing Date: 7 June 2023

Interview/Start Dates

Interviews will be scheduled quickly. We are looking to appoint someone to the role as soon as possible.

Application Details

Please submit your CV with a covering letter outlining why you want to do this job and why you think you would do it very well to Carl Rylett, Chair of the Witney Liberal Democrats at carl.rylett@oxonlibdems.uk 

Website: http://www.oxonld.uk/witney-west-oxfordshire

Additional Notes