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Reference: 88961

Date Added: 25 May 2023
Closing Date: 15 June 2023

Job Title: Campaigns and Youth Project Assistant

Working For: Tim Farron MP (Westmorland and Lonsdale)

Location: Constituency Office, Kendal

Salary: £20, 319 PA

Length of Contract: Fixed term until one month after the date of the next General Election

Job Details

Purpose of the job: To be responsible for the development of the MP’s work with young people throughout the constituency, developing their political awareness of the importance of the Liberal Democrat Party, and to assist with the provision of practical campaigns to support to the MP and local party including media work, literature production and delivery.

1. To develop the MP’s work with young people throughout the constituency by organising a series of events and activities and to encourage the participation of new young party members in constituency work.

2. Organise regular local school, college and university visits and further the MP’s work with youth organisations, charities and clubs within the constituency.

3. To use social media and other forms of communication to develop youth involvement in the local party and to increase support for Liberal Democrat policies.

4. To be creative in encouraging youth participation in current affairs, politics and a wider understanding of society, and the importance of involvement in politics – particularly the Liberal Democrats.

5. To assist with the organisation, printing and delivery of publicity material for the MP and the local party.

6. Instigate and support practical ways of ensuring constituency-wide involvement of volunteers, particularly younger members with the party. This includes exploring and using the talents of councillors and key party members.

7. To encourage awareness and use of Kendal and South Westmorland Liberal Club.

8. To undertake training and engage in opportunities to develop a portfolio of personal skills and experience.

9. To undertake such other duties as the line manger may require to further effective communication, campaigning and organisation in the constituency.

Upon appointment you will be required to apply for security clearance, undertaken by the Security Vetting and Pass Office. See Members’ Staff Security Clearance page for further info. MPs generally pay staff in accordance with IPSA guidelines.

Closing Date: 15 June 2023

Interview/Start Dates

Interview date: Friday 23 June

Start date: flexible but preferred as soon as possible

Application Details

Contact Tim's Administrative and Constituency Manager, Lucy Johnson, for further details and full job description before you apply, at lucy@timfarron.co.uk

Apply with no more than a 2 page CV and 1 page covering letter to lucy@timfarron.co.uk stating specifically how your experience and skills match the job description.

Website: http://timfarron.co.uk

Additional Notes

31/05/2023 - Salary details amended to £20,319 p.a.