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Reference: 90845

Date Added: 16 November 2023
Closing Date: 29 November 2023

Job Title: Policy Assistant

Working For: Association of British Insurers

Location: London

Salary: £28,000 - £32,000

Length of Contract: 12 months

Job Details

We’re looking for a Policy Assistant to coordinate and help with projects relating to helping our members support good consumer outcomes across varied policy areas in insurance and long-term savings. Currently, were working on things like tackling affordability challenges with insurance and making customer communications easier to understand.

What’s the job?

  • Monitor, research and analyse relevant information to help us formulate persuasive policy positions.
  • Complete the administrative tasks relating to the running of ABI’s Consumer Advisory Group and Consumer Committee, such as coordinating and setting timelines for input, undertaking research and drafting content.
  • Compile internal and external updates, including putting together the updates for a regular newsletter.
  • Undertake consumer policy research to help colleagues understand our policy positions.
  • Work with the Public Affairs team to understand and the political context of our policy work.

Closing Date: 29 November 2023

Interview/Start Dates

Application Details

For more info and to apply, please visit https://app.beapplied.com/apply/ppae3rxiqg

Website: https://www.abi.org.uk/

Additional Notes