Reference: 90894
Date Added: 20 November 2023
Closing Date: 1 December 2023
Job Title: Worker-Climate Project Coordinator
Working For: Labour for a Green New Deal
Location: Internet
Salary: Annual budget of £24,200 to pay contractor for 24 hours (3 days) per week. £156 day rate.
Length of Contract: 18 months
Job Details
LGND believes that the leadership of workers and trade unions is essential for winning a socialist Green New Deal and achieving a just transition. However, while the labour movement has progressed on climate politics over the last five years, there is still a lot to do to build the powerful worker-climate movement we urgently need.
This is an exciting opportunity for an ambitious and energetic individual to work at the intersection of the climate and labour movements. The aim of the Worker-Climate Project is to build a movement of trade union activists organising on climate change, just transition and green bargaining. This will include :
- Developing a growing network of worker-climate activists
- Interviewing activists to map existing worker-climate organising
- Disseminating findings across the labour movement
- Organising in-person events to share findings and co-develop movement building strategies
The project currently includes around 20 active volunteers with varying skills, experience and time commitment (e.g. campaigning, research, communications). Some volunteers are committed to the project for a long period while others will join for a short time. The Project Coordinator will continually grow and replenish this volunteer base. The volume of activity is expected to increase dramatically as the movement grows.
The Project Coordinator will be responsible for supporting volunteers to create realistic project plans and ensuring the resources are in place to deliver them. This will involve a great deal of communication around volunteers’ responsibilities and varied time commitments, changing objectives and activities, and managing deadlines.
The Project Coordinator will also fill the gaps of volunteer capacity, particularly by supporting event organisation and logistics; and take responsibility for ensuring compliance with legal requirements such as data protection.
As the project is relatively new, the Project Coordinator will take responsibility for working with volunteers to design and implement effective processes. It is expected that after 18 months these will become embedded so that the project is scaled-up to be entirely volunteer-led.
Full role description and person spec here:
Closing Date: 1 December 2023
Interview/Start Dates
Application closing time: 5pm.
Interviews will take place on Zoom, 9am-4pm, on Friday 8th December.
Please let us know if this is not possible and we will do our best to accommodate.
Start date: ASAP in the new year.
Application Details
Please email a CV and cover letter (no more than two sides of A4) to using the subject line ‘APPLICATION: Worker-Climate Project Coordinator’.
The cover letter should outline what you will bring to the role and how you meet the person specification, (preferably using its bullet points as headings).