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Reference: 91852

Date Added: 26 February 2024
Closing Date: 5 April 2024

Job Title: Internship

Working For: Franco-British Council

Location: London

Salary: Travel expenses and a daily rate of £94

Length of Contract: 4 weeks

Job Details

The Franco-British Council is an independent organisation based in Paris and London. Our mission is to reflect the important relationship between the two nations and promote constructive dialogue on a range of issues.

We are currently seeking an intern to assist with the run up, implementation and follow up of our Young Leaders seminar 2024 in London. The internship will last from Monday 24th June until Friday 19th July and will be based in central London / working from home (this will be normal working hours Mon-Fri except for evenings on Weds 10th, Thurs 11th and Fri 12th July and the morning of Sat 13th July).

Job Responsibilities:

  • Good attention to detail
  • Ability to adapt quickly
  • Some event management experience would be an advantage
  • London-based native French speaker or London-based person with good French.


W4MP Note:
The role being advertised is a voluntary one. As such, there are no set hours and responsibilities and you should be free to come and go as you wish. If the post demands set hours and/or has a specific job description you may be deemed to be a ‘worker’ and be covered by National Minimum Wage/National Living Wage legislation. See http://www.w4mp.org/jobs-listings-events/jobs/
for more information about National Minimum Wage/National Living Wage.

Closing Date: 5 April 2024

Interview/Start Dates

Interview Date: 15th April

Application Details

Please send a cover letter and CV to info@francobritish.org

For further information about our organisation and the Franco-British Young Leaders programme, visit our website

Website: http://www.francobritish.org

Additional Notes